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2024 Keynote Speaker


Speaker I


Prof. Cristina Galván, University of Barcelona, Spain

Biography: Prof. Cristina Galván received her Ph.D. in Education and Society from the University of Barcelona in 2015. Currently, she serves as a Lecturer in Educational Theory in the Digital Society at the University of Barcelona. Dr. Galván is the director of the Virtual Learning Research Group (GREAV), as well as the Virtual Learning and AI, Interactivity, and Accessibility Innovation Group. Additionally, she oversees the Masters in Digital Learning Environments mediated by Digital Technologies. She also serves on the scientific board of the Q2 Scopus-indexed journal, Digital Education Review.

Speaker II


Prof. Stylianos Mystakidis, University of Patras, Greece

Biography: Dr. Stylianos Mystakidis is an awarded Innovator and Researcher on Educational Technology at the University of Patras, Greece, Adjunct Faculty member at the International Hellenic University and the Hellenic Open University and Visiting Professor at the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Italy. His expertise lies in the intersection of immersive technologies such as metaverse, virtual worlds, VR and AR with instructional design and game-based methods. His name has been included in Stanford University's list of scientists in the field of Education with the most citations of their research work in the world for 2022 (top 2%). Google Scholar profile: